Wednesday, May 7, 2008


War is not the answer to life. In fact war deters the existence of peace and life on this planet. Hillary Clinton has made it painfully obvious that she is all in favor of showing Iran who is boss in this world. It makes me sad to see people here in Austin, Texas with signs in their windows or yards saying bring the troops home now next to the war mongering Hillary 08 signs. I, through research, have found that doing so is no different than including a McCain sign in your yard or window as well. There is no question about her intentions or the intentions of the previous Clinton administration. War with Iran seems inevitable unless a true non-interventionist and constitutional foreign policy can be re-enacted by the one and only RON PAUL. Oh but wait what would we do with all those defense contractors, munitions producers, and casket makers? And how could we continue to steal the income of hard working American citizens to fund all of our world policing activities?

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